About In harvest time - Sobre En tiempo de cosecha

In Harvest Time es un intento de hacer visible la realidad de muchas de las personas que sufren dolor crónico, Síndrome de Fibromialgia y Fatiga crónica a través de la vida y actividades cotidianas. Hablo sobre mis hobbies (La huerta, la lectura, música, ejercicio...) y como los adapto a mis capacidades.

Me gustaría transmitir mis vibraciones positivas y un apoyo incondicional a todos aquellos que pensaron alguna vez que su "yo" luchaba contra si mismo. 

No estás solo, no todo es negativo (aunque a veces nos sintamos asi), hay mucho más que dolor y nosotros tambien podemos disfrutar de una vida plena.

"Let us realize our limitations. We are something and we are not everything. Blaise Pascal."

In Harvest Time is an attempt to make visible the reality of many people suffering from chronic pain, Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue. I talk about my hobbies (gardening, reading, music, exercise...) and how I adapt them so I can still enjoy them.

All my positive attitude and unconditional support to all those who are experiencing or experienced, at some point in their lives, that their bodies were against them.

You are not alone, not everything is negative (even if it feels like it), there is much more than pain, and we can enjoy a full life.

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