Wildflowers - Flores silvestres

December 02, 2017

Flowers bring us colour, beauty and fragrance but they're also essential for insects and bees. I'm trying my best to include wonderful wildflowers in my allotment and garden. If you have space you could try to plant wildflowers in your garden or allotment to create a wildflower area to attract bees and wildlife. Wildflowers are tough and have evolved to thrive in poor soils, they are easy to grow and will give you colour all year round, they are also suited for pods which you can use in your balcony or any outdoor area. Have you tried to grow a wildflower area in your garden/allotment?

Here some pictures of the wildflowers I have been growing in the allotment and balcony:

Una de las formas de atraer polinizadores a tu huerto es cultivando y sembrando flores silvestres, puedes crear una pequeña área de flores que además van a atraer vida silvestre y predadores beneficiosos como ranas e insectos. Las flores silvestres son ideales porque prosperan en suelos pobres, requieren pocos cuidados y son muy resistentes. ¿Alguna vez has crecido en tu jardín o huerto flores silvestres?

Estas son las flores que crecen in mi huerto:


Cornflower - Acino (Centaurea cyanus)



Marigold -Tagetes

Californian poppy 
Ojo de gallo (Sanvitalia Procumbens)

Amaranth - Amaranto (Amaranthus)

Poppy - Amapola

Poppy - Amapola

Alyssum maritimum - Lobularia maritime

Garlic Chives - Cebollino de ajo (Allium tuberosum) 

Sweet William Catchfly - Silene (Silene armeria)

Calendula officinalis

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